As the weather was nice, I took a half day on Friday and headed down to Dorset to camp for the night – the annual Perseid meteor shower was due to peak on Saturday night but I’d seen that the forecast wasn’t great for then so tried to make the most of Friday.
And it was well worth it – the skies were fantastically clear and I had a great view of the stars – and managed to see probably 20 Perseids over the course of a couple of hours until the moon rose just after 1am.

This is the International Space Station

And so is this – would have been a far better picture if I’d taken a bit more time to think about it and compose it properly.

This is the only shot I got that includes a Perseid. I must have taken about 50 photos of the sky but this is the only one that caught something. Not as easy as you’d think!

And here are a few more general starry shots – really quite pleased with how I caught the Milky Way.

I also took a few shots around the lesser-visited parts of the camp. I converted these to black and white – I’ve got a vague hankering for shooting some film again…

And finally, someone pointed me in the direction of some butterflies (and bees) on the buddleia.

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